There are many benefits to moving to a new country, but you may find that you have mixed feelings. It’s common to feel motivated, challenged, nervous, stressed, and a combination of all of these things, and while these are normal feelings it can also feel unusual to feel so many different things at once.
Here are some tips to make sure that the whole experience of moving countries is a smooth one:
Get some advice
It’s definitely exciting to move abroad, but you may also find that you have a fear of the unknown. When you don’t know what you’re about to face, your imagination can begin to fill in all the gaps- and it may not be pretty. Luckily, the internet can greatly help you here, and there are plenty of expat websites and forums, Facebook groups, and websites about the country or city you’re moving to. You’ll find that many people have probably already asked most of the questions you have, and expat communities are a great place to go with any questions or concerns. You could also find that you have some contacts for when you arrive and this is a great way to meet new friends.
Focus on organisation
When you’re moving abroad, there are many things that you’ll need to consider which you wouldn’t need to think about if you were simply moving within your home country. You’ll need to get visas and flights organised, find a new job, find schools for the kids, pack everything you own and move out of your house, either sell your house or find someone to rent it, catch up with people you won’t see for awhile, forward your mail on, and much more.
Make a list of all of the things you’ll need to do. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but if you commit to tackling one thing off the list every day (and getting the rest of the family involved), you’ll feel a big sense of achievement when you see things getting crossed off and your stress levels will decrease. One of the biggest things to consider is how you’ll get your belongings safely to your new country, and Shiply is an excellent option for this so be sure to take a look at the different options available.
Learn the Language
If you’re moving somewhere with a new language, it’s a good idea to begin learning before you even arrive. There are many different resources online, and you can often find native speakers on Skype, and find fun apps that use games to help you learn the language.
When you first arrive somewhere new and don’t know how to speak the language, it can feel isolating and a bit scary, so learning the language will help you make friends and improve your confidence. You’ll also find that challenging your brain with a whole new language is a great way to keep it in tip-top shape and it’s then easier to learn more languages in the future.