If you own a small business, attending a trade show can be the perfect opportunity to showcase your product to a large audience and drive interest to your company that months of marketing might not be able to achieve. Trade shows are designed for customers to try and buy new products, and when you attend a trade show, everyone who walks up to your booth has come with money ready to spend on the products that they enjoy the most. However, many business owners make the mistake of overspending when it comes to a trade show exhibit. If you’re considering a trade show exhibit but don’t want to break the bank, here are some helpful tips.Don’t Over Compete
Many small business owners panic when they realise that their competitors are going to be in close quarters, prompting them to overspend on booth design and making sure that they stand out. However, overdoing it can often cause more harm than good and sticking out like a sore thumb when it comes to booth design isn’t always the best way to draw the numbers in. Making sure that you have the biggest and best booth that nobody can help but notice unfortunately isn’t enough if you want to generate genuine interest and increase your customer numbers. Instead, think of different and innovative ways to make sure you really stand out as being different from everybody else.
Don’t Overload
Overloading customers with information may seem like a good idea, but you don’t want to give your visitors too much to take in at once at your booth. Instead of spending loads of money on expensive promotional materials that go into extensive detail, use your best sales representatives and customer services staff to engage with customers and even demonstrate your products. The money you spend to pay your staff will go a lot further than money spent on churning out promotional materials as a face to face conversation is much more personal and helps potential new customers to feel engaged with your company and brand.Innovative Freebies
At trade shows, it’s inevitable that you’re going to find a wealth of the usual freebies such as pens and wristbands with company or brand names emblazoned across them. Freebies are a nice novelty when you first walk in, but when a customer has got to their twentieth booth and is offered a similar freebie to what everyone else is giving out, they can soon lose interest. Instead, think of different and innovative freebie ideas to give to your customers that you’re sure nobody else will have offered to them yet.
Stand Out with Booth Design
You don’t have to have the largest booth in the place to make sure that it stands out. By using innovative design features and optimal colour choices, you can draw plenty of attention to your trade booth even if it’s the smallest in the house! For more information on exceptional booth design, see finesse-exhibitions.co.uk.
Trade shows don’t have to be expensive if you have a savvy approach!