Have you ever noticed that sometimes, a business seems to be listed as being owned by someone other than the actual owner? Many times this is the result of the business owner filing for a “doing business as” (DBA) name. There are a variety of reasons why someone might decide to obtain a DBA rather than conducting business under their own, personal name. Sometimes, these decisions are even influenced by more practical matters such as the ability to open a business checking account or to successfully run more than one business at a single time while keeping the transactions of both completely separate. The important thing to keep in mind is that you will need to fill out an EIN application even if you operate under a DBA.
What is a DBA?
When it comes right down to it, a DBA is a fictitious name that you can register for your business or your “professional” name. That means that you can file a DBA for certain parts of your business, in other words, in order to indicate more precise service areas that different parts of your business handle. A lawn care business that expands to cover snow removal, for example, might want to file a DBA to reflect the snow removal portion of the business.
How does this affect my EIN?
Regardless of whether or not you decide to file a DBA, you will need to get EIN online in order to continue to run your business in accordance with federal regulations. In order to do this, you should visit a service like GovDoc that helps facilitate the approval of your EIN application by the IRS and works to get your EIN as quickly as possible.
For an outstanding service that offers incredible customer support as well as a variety of options to help you develop your business, contact GovDocFiling.com today!