No matter how successful your business may be, investing quality time into your staff can be hugely beneficial for the success of your organisation. With so many courses out there, where to invest your time can be a difficult and often large task. Not only do you need to consider the departments you’re wanting to get the most out of, but also the courses that will have the biggest impact on your business. If you’re struggling at working out where you can invest your time, read the below for our top recommendations for your organisations, based on quality and value for your money.
Startup Courses
First up, if you’re in the beginning stages of setting up your business, then taking on a startup course could be extremely beneficial for your organisation. You’ll find that there’s a number of different ones available and you may even stumble across free seminars and classes at local universities which you may find useful. The key here is to do your research, think about the things that are holding you back the most and the areas that you think you’ll struggle with the most and focus your attention on these.
IT Courses
IT courses are specifically important for a number of different industries, whether it be primarily an IT company you’re working with, or whether it’s your IT department that you’re wanting to increase the expertise of. Global Knowledge Network have a number of different courses which are all perfect for any specific IT need that you may have. If you’re wanting to increase the skillset of your IT team, then going somewhere external will have a much bigger effect on your team (unless you’re a genius yourself!).
Social Media
Social Media is huge, it couldn’t be any more important to have good, strong social platforms for your organisation. Giving you the easiest way to access your target audience, and even groups that you didn’t think it would be possible to target. There’s a number of social media courses around, some of which will be very cheap, and some which you may be able to get for free if you do some research.
Whatever your thoughts, make sure you spend a lot of time researching and planning where you want to invest your time. Training can be extremely beneficial if you put it in the right places.